Thursday, August 21, 2008


Sorry its been awhile since I posted anything on here. I get so busy that I rarely have any time to get on the computer other than working. Heck I haven't been able to even check my email, facebook or myspace for that matter. LOL. I thinking about creating another blog where I can write almost on a daily occurrence things I basically just want to write about other than just blogging about Broadway and acting. And while I will keep this blog and update it I just want one where I can write just about myself and not my career.

Any suggestions? I would love to hear from some of you.

Have a fantastic day!

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Let me just state this right now in the open:
This is me simply stating my thoughts, ideas, opinions, and whatever else I want to write about. Sometimes my facts might not be all that right or stated in my blog but they are pretty close to right and I speak my mind freely of what I'm feeling. If you don't like them, then don't read. Don't bother putting down nasty comments or whatever. It's a waste of your time and mind.

On that note I would just like to state that yes Fantasia did have a tumor in her throat but she should have come out and said that once she really knew what was going on. A lot of people didn't know about it when she was missing show dates and what not. People are early to judge including me and it just doesn't look good when you don't show up. A rep. for her or someone should have come out and said it right away then waiting months to come out and say what was going on. It just would of cleared up some rumors and maybe the people's perception of her would have been different from the start. That's all I'm saying on the issue.

Moving on, lately I have been feeling like I'm stuck. I just feel like I'm not doing much work as an actress. I feel like I'm stuck here doing the same old thing day in and day out. In all reality I'm working my butt off with researching and going to auditions and singing and prepping myself. I feel like I'm working all the time but at the moment I have nothing to show for it. I know that it takes a lot of hard work and I'm doing that and to just wait for the right timing. I'm just feeling so down about it currently. Oh well, I just have to keep my hopes up high and know that something will come along when the timing is right.

Til next time....

Tuesday, August 12, 2008


Hey All! Sorry its been so long since I updated. I have been super busy so I haven't had much time for myself to be on the Internet. So last we left off you all were waiting anxiously to hear if I got any part in the Sound of Music audition. (Yeah I know you guys weren't on the edge of your seats or anything but well I would like to think that ;-))Well needless to say I opened my email on Friday and had an email that was rejection of the audition. Oh well. Not the first and certainly not the last one. I thought it was quite weird how they gave me a word document of telling me that they were thankful I tried out but the part was not for me. It was strange. Any who, I'm busy looking at other auditions coming up here soon and a ton of auditions most likely in October. October is when they start to cast for upcoming Christmas productions and I think that might be fun to do. It definitely will be hectic with holiday things and rehearsing but I think it might be fun. After all my life is full of chaos all the time why should the holidays be any different? LOL.

I heard that they were making my favorite Broadway musical into a movie, WICKED! I'm super excited. Beyond excited. So once I heard the news I decided to Google to see if they were doing open auditions for the lead characters or any character for that matter. To my surprise I believe they are going to have a reality show to find the next Elphie. I was okay cool I could handle that but then I found of they already started it. I'm not sure if this for the movie or just for a tour of the musical but I was still devastated that I had missed it. I keep Googling(if that is even a word?) every chance I get to see if they have announced any open auditions.

Also American Idol is coming somewhat close to my town on August 24-26. My boyfriend really wants me to try out but I'm not completely convinced. I mean to me my dream is to act, sing and dance and while you somewhat do that on Idol I kinda feel like I would be selling myself short. I mean yes some Idol contestants have gone on to do Broadway eventually but I want to do Broadway and only Broadway. Movies and TV would be great to. Ultimately those Idols who go onto to Broadway really just love the act of singing not involving Acting and Dancing. I love all three and if I just make myself known for one at this point in my career then I feel like I would be cutting myself short of amazing possibilities ahead. The former Idols well most of them don't take the beloved stage seriously (look at Fantasia Barrino who barely showed up the nights she was supposed to be on the stage.) I will admit though that is seems that Clay Aiken has done pretty well on Broadway and I just saw Tamyra Gray as Mimi in Rent. She was fantastic but I still thought she wasn't as ready as she could have been to play Mimi. Still I'm a little skeptical about auditioning for Idol. I don't know honestly what I'm going to do. I guess I'll let you guys know eventually. :)

I found a vocal coach in my hometown so I'm going to be working with him to get my vocals chords up to par. I need them strengthen badly. Even though I sing every single day for almost an hour and a half each day I still feel like I need work on them. I want to get my range to progress as well so I'm really looking forward to meeting with him and seeing all he can offer me. From what I have read in reviews about him he seems pretty good and has been teaching voice for something like 50 years. I also heard that he has a recording studio in his house so maybe just maybe I could get a demo CD in the making! :)

I also found a dance studio for adults in my area. They have a performance one and a non-performance one for adults and I think I'm going to do non-performance that way I can just educate myself more on dancing then actually perfecting something for a performance. After all if I'm in a musical or play there would be no way I would be able to rehearse for a dance recital too. That would be a little too much to take on. I mean I could do it but then I would have to maybe invest in a personal assistant to keep me on track or a blackberry. Both are in no way going to happen so I need to take on what I can handle on my own.

A lot of people forget that I have a full time job, do charities occasionally, look up for auditions, rehearse for auditions, practice, starting vocal class, starting dance lessons and I do all that why balancing a somewhat normal social life if you even want to qualify it as that. Oh and did I mention cleaning my apartment, grocery shopping, paying bills you know the daily living things?
Yes my life is crazy but honestly I wouldn't have it any other way. It's kind of the only way I know how to function. I get about 3-4 hours of sleep a night. To some of you I'm sure you couldn't function. I feel fine most of the time. It only hurts me when I'm run down for running myself in too many directions during certain weeks. This schedule of my crazy life is maybe the reason why I feel so at peace in New York City. I hear so many people always complaining of how they can't stand the city life and that is just so stressful. When I'm there I feel at peace not completely calming peace but I feel at home. All the hustle and bustle of the city is just great to me and I honestly love it there. I can't wait to live there to see the beauty of the city everyday and to experience all of what life has to offer me there. I just can not wait.
Well I think I posted a long enough blog today for all of you to keep reading forever. LOL. Hope you all have a great day.
Love Always,

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Sing for me

So I'm back from the audition. It was completely crazy. I got there and they were still auditioning the children. They didn't get to the adults until about 45 minutes after they were supposed to. They said there was 750 children that came to audition!! Can you believe that? That is completely crazy!!!

Anyway, the casting directors decided that we would all sing first then on to dance and then to reading. Well I was #4 to sing. I have no musical talent whatsoever besides singing I can't play any instrument. Therefore I had no idea the song that I was singing what note it was on the piano so I screwed up the first time and then I was able to sing again. I was so confused with the key that the pianist just played the first note and then I sang acapella. I think I did okay but it wasn't the best. I def. could have done better. I was an octave higher than I wanted to be for that type of song. So after all of that they went into the green room and talked and what not. They decided that since all of the children that came to audition that they were just going to have people that were on a list come back on Monday to read through and dance. So my name wasn't on the list but that doesn't mean that I didn't get some part. I didn't' get a lead part but I could be a nun. I hope I'm something because I need to work as an actress soon. So hopefully by either Tuesday night or Wednesday night I'll hear something. It wasn't the best audition but it def was a step in the right direction and was a lot better than the audition I had 2 weeks ago. I'll let ya all know what I hear. Wish me luck. Till then, Love Always, Sarah

Hey Everyone! How is everyone doing? For me I'm pretty busy. Yesterday I was organizing some and was looking through one of my Audition papers and realized that the audition I thought was in 2 weeks is really today!! So naturally I freaked out thank god the script wasn't given out because I'm not sure I could memorized a whole act in one day. I did have to go to the music store and purchase some sheet music though. After I did that I went back to the house and sang for 5 hours straight. You got that 5 hours. I was exhausted but I think I finally chose the right song to sing and I'm feeling pretty confident in it. I'm trying out today for the Sound of Music. It's a local theater here but it should be fun. Back in like 6th or 7th grade I played a nun in the Sound of Music so maybe I'll get to have some part in this play. We'll see. I'm kinda freaking out but it will all be good. It's been quite some time since I have sang in front of a large audience so I'm a little worried but I'm crossing my fingers that it goes well. Well I off. I have to go and practice some more before my audition later today. I'll let ya all know how it goes. Talk to you later!! Love Always, Sarah